How to Study a Week before your exams and get good grades

With these simple steps, I managed to ease my exam stress and was able to cover 90% of my syllabus.

1. Collect the materials required for the subject you want to study

2. Before you sit down to study, make sure that your desk is neat and organized.

3. Look at your syllabus. Analyse the texts which you find easy and comfortable to study

4. Pro tip: "Intelligently" cross off 2-3 texts that are either hard or not important from the examination point of view (this step works well if you have options in your question paper)

5. Now you have a self revised syllabus. Happy...

6. Make a list of topic/texts that you will cover in day 1

7. Next step is to set a timer for 50 minutes and start studying. Take breaks of 15 minutes or as you want.


8. If you get bored or feel sleepy watch a study vlog on Youtube 

9. Finally when you are famished with your studying and some breathing exercises.

10. Penultimate step : As you lie on your bed to sleep do not use your phone...instead close your eyes and try to recollect what you had studied for the day. 

If you forget an important point or cannot get the exact sentence, try to rephrase it your own words. Now this step is actually annoying, but the best part is that the next day when you try to revise the portions, you feel confident. 

Pro tip : none

That's pretty much what I do every semester. 

All the best. 



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